Welcome to my portfolio!

credit for thse photos is my boyfriend Patrick.

Hello! My name is Colin Miraglia. I am a sophomore at the university of New Mexico. I am very interested in writing, video games and movies. I havent been very good about writing on my own, but this semester I have written three essays for my composition class, which are shown below. I grew up in California, specifically Orange County. Its a safe area, mostly suburbs, but its boring. That is why I chose to come to UNM, to leave my comfort zone and find more things to do. this has mostly come true, as Albuquerque is certainly more interesting than Orange County. Have fun looking at my Portfolio!

over the course of my time this semester, I have focused heavily on ny ability to write. I consider myself to be fairly talented with writing, especially fiction, however an academic paper was something I had little understanding of. This course has let me see a clear pathway for writing an essay like this. I am looking to go into marketing, and so being able to research a topic and understand it will be greatly important for my job. I am looking forward to using these skills and being able to write something at a higher level. I also liked that we were able to profread each others essays and were able to critique each other, as it helped my ability to see the flaws in mine and others work. I have greatly appreciated this semester with this course, and am grateful for the lessons it taught me. This would also help me with my personal writing as it helped me structure my own texts. I have focused mostly on fiction, where studying for the craft is mostly tropes and styles. There is little practice in structuring and how to plan it. Because of that I am now going to be better at structuring my own writing. I look forward to being able to make better stories using these skills. This class has also gotten me back into writing like this. I forgot I had such a passion for it and I like to fill my time by writing fiction like this. I consider myself to be imaginative and I like writing my ideas out. This class has given me many opportunities and ways to express myself and to get my ideas out. That is an advantage of essays, they make me better at writing out and understanding my own opinions. I look forward to future classes and learning further skills to expand my writing abilities. I hope that I do not again lose my passion for writing and continue to be creative. I appreciate this class for reigniting my passion for the art and am hopeful in my ability to get better and stay passionate.

link to the page for the first project. link to the page for the second project. link to the page for my third project.

Link for the SLO relfections.